06/25/2020- Why study Human Evolution anyways?
Studying evolution, but specifically human evolution, is incredibly important in a time of unknown futures. Climate change is happening, and there is a lot of mystery behind what will happen to humans and the rest of the world. Something that can help with that is human evolution. We know the genus Australopithecus , the predecessor to Homo sapiens, and the genus Homo evolved in times of tumultuous climate, where there was a lot of back and forth between temperatures and humidities. The fact that our ancestors not only survived, but evolved to become more adapted to their environment shows how resilient humans are. This current state of climate crisis is scary, and should be scary, but it can be handled if given the attention needed, and can be aided by looking at past ways humans have adapted to extreme climates. Another important thing to come out of studying human evolution is advances in medicine and genetics. We know certain diseases a...